The Dewi-Prys Thomas Award
Click here for a pdf copy of the Call for Entries.
The Dewi-Prys Thomas Award recognises the importance of good design to the quality of life, identity and regeneration of Wales. It rewards projects of excellence, originality and utility in a range of fields including architecture, town planning, landscape design, public realm design and public art.
Any project, company, group or individual can be nominated, or can nominate themselves on the basis of their own work. Additionally, anyone can nominate a project and recognise its contribution to design excellence.
Projects or initiatives nominated must be largely realised and be located in Wales.
Assessment criteria
The winning project will be the one that in the view of the jury best responds to its site and context, contributes positively to the distinctiveness of the place, and addresses responsibly the environmental and social challenges of Wales in the twenty-first century.How to enter
There are no fees for entry or for nominating a project or person.The Trust leaves it to entrants to decide what they should submit in order to best persuade the jury of the merits of the nomination. This could include drawings and plans, photographs, artworks, videos, CDs/DVDs, books, magazine articles, and testimony by clients, users or communities. Material should be submitted in generic software packages such as PDF/Acrobat, PowerPoint, Word, QuickTime, etc. Please do not submit CAD materials.
Entries must include a maximum 600-word description of the project, including a statement of how the project responds to the assessment criteria above, particularly regarding place making and sustainability.
The competition is not anonymous: the name of the designer, group, company, or other persons involved may be published in media articles featuring the award. Entrants acknowledge that The Dewi-PrysThomas Trust will have the right to reproduce materials in whole or in part without payment of copyright (where the Trust is given their names, photographers will be acknowledged).
Entries and nominations to be submitted to For more information, please contact RSAW (029 2022 8987).
The winner will be announced at the RSAW Welsh Architecture Awards ceremony in May 2025.
DEADLINE for entries: 17:00 on Friday 21 March 2025